Fiber Art Events & CLASSES

When you visit Smoky Mountain Spinnery, you are visiting a center for the fiber arts!

If you have a fiber arts group that needs a place to meet and create, contact us! Our studio space is available for small groups.

Our Gatherings

In-person Sit and Knit is on hold; we hope to resume meeting again in the new year.

Our Zoom Sit-n-Knit will continue on Tuesdays, starting at 7pm. If you are interested in joining the Zoom call, please email us for an invite.

If you need a little one-on-one demonstration in our store, just ask! We're always happy to show you how our art is created. Your participation keeps our store a friendly and relaxed art space.

Upcoming Classes!

We are taking a break from classes - except our Spinning Classes (by appointment) - for the fall and winter 2023. Please continue to check back for more information.

Beginning Spinning Classes

Our beginning spinning classes are one-on-one classes, one hour long, $35 which includes materials. You can bring your wheel or use one of ours. We can work with your schedule, so please call us to set up your spinning class for next time you are in the area!